In the depths of the huge fortified Azovstal factory complex, the Chechens are now on a mission to. . to flush out the remaining neo-Nazi fighters of the Azov battalion who have remained inside and did not want to make use of the Russian forces‘ ultimatum to surrender, with all that this now means for dealing with them.

A little earlier the Chechen leader had said in a message that Azovstal could fall today and probably these statements were not accidental as we can see in the leaked video showing Chechen forces inside the factory on a clearing mission.

The spokesman for the DR Peoples Militia had announced the launch of an attack on the territory of the factory, where Ukrainian fighters had taken refuge while Russian bombers had swept across the area.

According to the Russian news agency RIA, Russian forces are raiding the Azovstal steel factory in order toclear outthe remaining fighters of the Azov battalion who areholed up.

All those who deposit their weapons are guaranteed to stay alive,” Russias defence ministry said of the Azovstal factory in Mariupol, with the Russian MoD opening escape corridors for those who deposit their weapons or want to leave.

The FAB-3000 is a 3-ton unguided bomb designed primarily for the destruction of industrial, urban and port infrastructure. Like the Americans in the Gulf War (B-52s), they use strategic bombers to support ground operations with carpet bombing.

Everything indicates that the battle for Mariupol is ending, which will mean the unification of Crimea and Donbass, with the simultaneous release of a large number of Russian forces, which will now be able to complete the encirclement of up to 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers from the south.