Following yesterdays official recognition by Russia of the self-proclaimed peoples republics LPR and DPR and Russian President Vladimir Putins address to the Russians, Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky addressed the Ukrainians.

While the DPR and LPR celebrate the recognition of the republics and the refugees from Donbass watch Russian television live from the streets of the city, Vladimir Zelensky said in his speech that Ukraine does not intend to cede its territories, as defencenet. ru reports.

Zelenskys appeal to Ukrainians was posted by the OP, first on his Telegram channel and then on his YouTube channels.

At the beginning of his speech, Zelenski noted that he would not turn to the pages of history (as Putin did ed. ), but would talk about the present and the future.

He noted that Ukraine is calm, stressing that he had discussed this issue with European colleagues. Zelensky said that he wanted peace and confirmed that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry had sent a request to the UN member states on the basis of the Budapest Memorandum (on Ukraines renunciation of nuclear weapons Ed. ).

He said he expects support from partners:

It is very important to see now who is our real friend and partner and who will continue to scare Russian Federation with words.

Zelenski said in his speech:

We are not afraid of anyone or anything, we are not to blame for anything or anyone, we will not give anything to anyone and we are sure of that. ”

The Ukrainian President recalled that the borders of his state are reliably protected.

Our borders are reliably protected, a territorial defence system has been established, our partners support us,Zelenski said.

President Zelensky stressed that the republics recognised by Russia are included in the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine.

Zelensky assured that Kiev will remain on the diplomatic path to resolving the conflict in Donbassand will follow them and only them, the Ukrainian president said.

Reacting to Russias recognition of the DPR and LPR, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised his Ukrainian counterpart to provide additional military assistance.